Contribute to Gaphor

Would you like to contribute to the development of Gaphor? If you think this is only something for experienced developers, please reconsider, there are plenty of ways to contribute to Gaphor, no matter your level of experience or skill set.

You can help to support Gaphor in your language. You can do that on Weblate, directly from your browser. This service will periodically create Pull Requests for Gaphor with updated translations.

It is also very nice if you create your own content around Gaphor. Think about blog posts, videos, and conference talks. When you created something, please drop us a line, so we can add it to the Tutorials page on the website.

If you want to contribute code, a good starting point is this site. It contains a lot of information on how Gaphor is build, especially in the Concepts section.

Some issues are labeled with first-timers-only. Those issues are a good starting point to make yourself familiar with the code and code style.

It’s always a good idea to create an issue or start a discussion if you want to build something for which there is no issue yet. That way you can assure that your idea is implemented in a way consistent with the application, and it increases the chance your work will be accepted.

You’ll need to fork Gaphor and set up a development environment (macOS, Windows).


In our pipeline we do a couple of quality checks. We strongly recommend that you install pre-commit and its git hook scripts, so your PR does build on our build environment.