Source code for gaphor.transaction

"""Transaction support for Gaphor."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from gaphor.event import TransactionBegin, TransactionCommit, TransactionRollback

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TransactionError(Exception):
    """Errors related to the transaction module."""

[docs] class Transaction: """The transaction. On start and end of a transaction an event is emitted. Transactions can be nested. Events are only emitted when the outermost transaction begins and finishes. Note that transactions are a global construct. >>> import gaphor.core.eventmanager >>> event_manager = gaphor.core.eventmanager.EventManager() Transactions can be nested. If the outermost transaction is committed or rolled back, an event is emitted. It's most convenient to use ``Transaction`` as a context manager: >>> with Transaction(event_manager) as ctx: ... ... # do actions ... # in case the transaction should be rolled back: ... ctx.rollback() Events can be handled programmatically, although this is discouraged: >>> tx = Transaction(event_manager) >>> tx.commit() """ _stack: list[Transaction] = [] def __init__(self, event_manager, context=None): """Initialize the transaction. If this is the first transaction in the stack, a :obj:`~gaphor.event.TransactionBegin` event is emitted. """ self.event_manager = event_manager self.context = context self._need_rollback = False if not self._stack: self._handle(TransactionBegin(self.context)) self._stack.append(self)
[docs] def commit(self): """Commit the transaction. The transaction is closed. A :obj:`~gaphor.event.TransactionCommit` event is emitted. If the transaction needs to be rolled back, a :obj:`~gaphor.event.TransactionRollback` event is emitted instead. """ self._close() if not self._stack: if self._need_rollback: self._handle(TransactionRollback(self.context)) else: self._handle(TransactionCommit(self.context))
[docs] def rollback(self): """Roll-back the transaction. First, the transaction is closed. A :obj:`~gaphor.event.TransactionRollback` event is emitted. """ self.mark_rollback() self.commit()
[docs] @classmethod def mark_rollback(cls): """Mark the transaction for rollback. This operation itself will not close the transaction, instead it will allow you to elegantly revert changes. """ for tx in cls._stack: tx._need_rollback = True # noqa: SLF001
[docs] @classmethod def in_transaction(cls) -> bool: """Are you running inside a transaction?""" return bool(cls._stack)
def _close(self): try: last = self._stack.pop() except IndexError: raise TransactionError("No Transaction on stack.") from None if last is not self: self._stack.append(last) raise TransactionError( "Transaction on stack is not the transaction being closed." ) def _handle(self, event): self.event_manager.handle(event) def __enter__(self) -> TransactionContext: """Provide ``with``-statement transaction support.""" return TransactionContext(self) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Provide ``with``-statement transaction support. If an error occurred, the transaction is rolled back. Otherwise, it is committed. """ if exc_type and not self._need_rollback: log.error( "Transaction terminated due to an exception, performing a rollback", ) self.mark_rollback() self.commit()
class TransactionContext: """A simple context for a transaction. Can only perform a rollback. """ def __init__(self, tx: Transaction) -> None: self._tx = tx def rollback(self) -> None: self._tx.mark_rollback()