Source code for gaphor.event

"""Application lifecycle events are managed here."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from import Service

    from gaphor.application import Application, Session

class ServiceInitializedEvent:
    """This event is emitted every time a new service has been initialized."""

    name: str
    service: Service

class ServiceShutdownEvent:
    """This event is emitted every time a service has been shut down."""

    name: str
    service: Service

class ApplicationShutdown:
    """This event is emitted from the application when it has been shut

    application: Application

class SessionCreated:
    """The session is emitting this event when it's ready to shut down."""

    def __init__(
        application: Service,
        session: Session,
        filename: Path | None,
        template: Path | None = None,
        force: bool = False,
        interactive: bool = False,
        self.application = application
        self.session = session
        self.filename = Path(filename) if filename else None
        self.template = template
        self.force = force
        self.interactive = interactive

class ActiveSessionChanged:
    """Event emitted when a session becomes the active session."""

    # NB. This is wrong: it should have the session as argument
    service: Service

class SessionShutdownRequested:
    """When the application is asked to terminate, it will inform all sessions.

    The user can then save his/her work.

class SessionShutdown:
    """The session is emitting this event when it's ready to shut down."""

class ModelSaved:
    filename: Path | None = None

[docs] class TransactionBegin: """This event denotes the beginning of a transaction. Nested (sub-) transactions should not emit this signal. """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context
[docs] class TransactionCommit: """This event is emitted when a transaction (toplevel) is successfully committed.""" def __init__(self, context): self.context = context
[docs] class TransactionRollback: """This event is emitted to tell the operation has failed. If a set of operations fail (e.i. due to an exception) the transaction should be marked for rollback. """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context
class ActionEnabled: """Signal if an action can be activated or not.""" def __init__(self, action_name: str, enabled: bool) -> None: self.scope, = ( action_name.split(".", 2) if "." in action_name else ("win", action_name) ) self.enabled = enabled class Notification: """Inform the user about important events.""" def __init__(self, message): self.message = message