Source code for gaphor.diagram.connectors

"""Connector adapters.

To register connectors implemented in this module, it is imported in
gaphor.adapter package.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import itertools
from import Iterator
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

from gaphas.connections import Connection
from gaphas.connector import ConnectionSink, Handle, Port
from gaphas.connector import Connector as ConnectorAspect
from generic.multidispatch import FunctionDispatcher, multidispatch

from gaphor.core.modeling import Base, Diagram, Presentation
from gaphor.core.modeling.event import RevertibleEvent
from import association, redefine, relation
from gaphor.diagram.copypaste import copy, paste
from gaphor.diagram.presentation import ElementPresentation, LinePresentation
from import get_diagram_item_metadata, get_model_element

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Base)

class ConnectorProtocol(Protocol):
    def __init__(
        element: Presentation,
        line: Presentation,
    ) -> None: ...

    def allow(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: ...

    def connect(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: ...

    def disconnect(self, handle: Handle) -> None: ...

[docs] class BaseConnector: """Connection adapter for Gaphor diagram items. Line item ``line`` connects with a handle to a connectable item ``element``. :param line: connecting item :param element: connectable item By convention the adapters are registered by (element, line) -- in that order. """ def __init__( self, element: Presentation[Base], line: Presentation[Base], ) -> None: self.element = element self.line = line # Try to find the diagram. Any diagram can be None, when called while an element is unlinking assert ( element.diagram is line.diagram or element.diagram is None or line.diagram is None ) self.diagram: Diagram = element.diagram or line.diagram assert self.diagram
[docs] def get_connected(self, handle: Handle) -> Presentation[Base] | None: """Get item connected to a handle.""" if cinfo := self.diagram.connections.get_connection(handle): return cinfo.connected # type: ignore[no-any-return] # noqa: F723 return None
[docs] def allow(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: """Determine if items can be connected. Is the connection allowed at all (during mouse movement for example)? Returns `True` if connection is allowed. """ return bool(self.element.diagram) and self.element.diagram is self.line.diagram
[docs] def connect(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: """Connect to an element. Establish a connection between element and line. Also takes care of disconnects, if required (e.g. 1:1 relationships). Note that at this point the line may be connected to some other, or the same element. The connection at model level also still exists. Returns `True` if a connection is established. """ return True
[docs] def disconnect(self, handle: Handle) -> None: """Disconnect model level connections. Break connection, called when dropping a handle on a point where it can not connect. """
class NoConnector: def __init__( self, element, line, ) -> None: pass def allow(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: return False def connect(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: return False def disconnect(self, handle: Handle) -> None: pass # Work around issue (Class decorators are not type checked) # This definition, along with the ignore below, seems to fix the behaviour for mypy at least. Connector: FunctionDispatcher[type[ConnectorProtocol]] = multidispatch(object, object)( NoConnector ) @functools.lru_cache def can_connect(parent, element_type) -> bool: parent_type = type(parent) get_registration = Connector.registry.get_registration for t1, t2 in itertools.product(parent_type.__mro__, element_type.__mro__): if r := get_registration(t1, t2): return r is not NoConnector return False class RelationshipConnect(BaseConnector): """Base class for relationship connections, such as associations, dependencies and implementations. Unary relationships are allowed to connect both ends to the same element. This class introduces a new method: `relationship()`, which is used to find an existing relationship in the model that does not yet exist on the diagram. """ element: Presentation line: LinePresentation[Base] def __init__(self, element: Presentation[Base], line: Presentation[Base]) -> None: super().__init__(element, line) self.copy_buffer = dict(copy(line.subject)) if line.subject else {} def relationship( self, required_type: type[T], head: relation, tail: relation ) -> T | None: """Find an existing relationship in the model that meets the required type and is connected to the same model element the head and tail of the line are connected to. type - the type of relationship we're looking for head - tuple (association name on the line, association name on the element) tail - tuple (association name on the line, association name on the element) """ assert isinstance(head, association | redefine), f"head is {head}" assert isinstance(tail, association | redefine), f"tail is {tail}" line = self.line line_head = self.get_connected(line.head) line_tail = self.get_connected(line.tail) assert line_head assert line_tail head_subject = line_head.subject tail_subject = line_tail.subject # First check if the right subject is already connected: if ( line.subject and head.get(line.subject) is head_subject and tail.get(line.subject) is tail_subject ): return line.subject # type: ignore[return-value] # Try to find a relationship, that is already created, but not # yet displayed in the diagram on the tail side, since tail should # have a reference to head at least. if not (head_subject and tail.opposite): return None gen: Base for gen in getattr(tail_subject, tail.opposite): if not isinstance(gen, required_type): continue gen_head = head.get(gen) try: if head_subject not in gen_head: continue except TypeError: if gen_head is not head_subject: continue # Check for this entry on line.diagram item: ElementPresentation | LinePresentation for item in gen.presentation: # Allow line to be returned. Avoids strange # behaviour during loading if item.diagram is line.diagram and item is not line: break else: return gen return None def new_relation(self, type: type[T]) -> T: return self.line.model.create(type) def new_relation_from_copy(self, type: type[T]) -> T | None: if not self.copy_buffer: return None for e in paste_model(self.copy_buffer, self.diagram): if isinstance(e, type): return e raise AssertionError( f"Copied elements, but no {type} found ({self.copy_buffer})" ) def relationship_or_new(self, type: type[T], head: relation, tail: relation) -> T: """Like relation(), but create a new instance if none was found.""" relation = self.relationship(type, head, tail) if relation: return relation line = self.line relation = self.new_relation_from_copy(type) or self.new_relation(type) assert isinstance(relation, type) line_head = self.get_connected(line.head) line_tail = self.get_connected(line.tail) assert line_head assert line_tail head.set(relation, line_head.subject) tail.set(relation, line_tail.subject) # TODO uncomment the following after Dependency is made a subclass of PackageableElement # owning_package = line_tail.subject.owningPackage # relation.owningPackage = owning_package assert isinstance(relation, type) return relation def connect_connected_items(self, connections: None = None) -> None: """Cause items connected to ``line`` to reconnect, allowing them to establish or destroy relationships at model level.""" line = self.line diagram = self.diagram # First make sure coordinates match diagram.connections.solver.solve() for cinfo in connections or diagram.connections.get_connections(connected=line): if line is cinfo.connected: continue adapter = Connector(line, cinfo.connected) assert adapter, f"No element to connect {line} and {cinfo.connected}" adapter.connect(cinfo.handle, cinfo.port) def disconnect_connected_items(self) -> list[Connection]: """Cause items connected to @line to be disconnected. This is necessary if the subject of the @line is to be removed. Returns a list of (item, handle) pairs that were connected (this list can be used to connect items again with connect_connected_items()). """ line = self.line diagram = self.diagram # First make sure coordinates match diagram.connections.solver.solve() connections = list(diagram.connections.get_connections(connected=line)) for cinfo in connections: adapter = Connector(cinfo.item, cinfo.connected) adapter.disconnect(cinfo.handle) return connections def connect_subject(self, handle: Handle) -> bool: """Establish the relationship at model level.""" raise NotImplementedError("Implement connect_subject() in a subclass") def disconnect_subject(self, handle: Handle) -> None: """Disconnect the diagram item from its model element.""" del self.line.subject def connect(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: """Connect the items to each other. The model level relationship is created by create_subject() """ if not super().connect(handle, port): return False opposite = self.line.opposite(handle) if self.get_connected(opposite): self.connect_subject(handle) line = self.line if line.subject: self.connect_connected_items() return True def disconnect(self, handle: Handle) -> None: """Disconnect model element.""" line = self.line opposite = line.opposite(handle) oct = self.get_connected(opposite) hct = self.get_connected(handle) if hct and oct: # Both sides of line are connected => disconnect self.disconnect_connected_items() self.disconnect_subject(handle) super().disconnect(handle) class DirectionalRelationshipConnect(RelationshipConnect): """Base for relationship connections between unique elements.""" def allow(self, handle: Handle, port: Port) -> bool: """In addition to the normal check, both relationship ends may not be connected to the same element. Same goes for subjects. """ opposite = self.line.opposite(handle) element = self.element connected_to = self.get_connected(opposite) # Element can not be a parent of itself. if connected_to is element: return False # Same goes for subjects: if ( connected_to and not connected_to.subject and not element.subject and connected_to.subject is element.subject ): return False return super().allow(handle, port) @Connector.register(ElementPresentation, LinePresentation) class MetadataRelationConnect(DirectionalRelationshipConnect): """A generic relationship connector.""" def allow(self, handle, port): if not super().allow(handle, port): return False element = self.element opposite_element = self.get_connected(self.line.opposite(handle)) if metadata := get_diagram_item_metadata(type(self.line)): return ( ( isinstance(element.subject, metadata["head"].type) and ( not opposite_element or isinstance(opposite_element.subject, metadata["tail"].type) ) ) if handle is self.line.head else ( isinstance(element.subject, metadata["tail"].type) and ( not opposite_element or isinstance(opposite_element.subject, metadata["head"].type) ) ) ) return False def connect_subject(self, handle): subject_type = get_model_element(type(self.line)) metadata = get_diagram_item_metadata(type(self.line)) if not metadata: return False self.line.subject = self.relationship_or_new( subject_type, metadata["head"], metadata["tail"] ) return True def paste_model(copy_data, diagram) -> Iterator[Base]: new_elements: dict[str, Base] = {} def create(ref: str): if ref in new_elements: return new_elements[ref] if ref in copy_data: paster = paste(copy_data[ref], diagram, create) new_elements[ref] = next(paster) next(paster, None) return new_elements[ref] for old_id in copy_data: if old_id in new_elements: continue create(old_id) for element in new_elements.values(): assert element element.postload() return iter(new_elements.values()) class ItemConnected(RevertibleEvent): def __init__(self, element, handle, connected, port): super().__init__(element) self.handle_index = element.handles().index(handle) self.connected_id = self.port_index = connected.ports().index(port) def revert(self, target): # Reverse only the diagram level connection. # Associations have their own handlers connections = target.diagram.connections handle = target.handles()[self.handle_index] connector = ConnectorAspect(target, handle, connections) connector.disconnect_handle() class ItemDisconnected(RevertibleEvent): def __init__(self, element, handle, connected, port): super().__init__(element) self.handle_index = element.handles().index(handle) self.connected_id = self.port_index = connected.ports().index(port) def revert(self, target): # Reverse only the diagram level connection. # Associations have their own handlers handle = target.handles()[self.handle_index] connections = target.diagram.connections connected = target.diagram.lookup(self.connected_id) sink = ConnectionSink(connected) sink.port = connected.ports()[self.port_index] connector = ConnectorAspect(target, handle, connections) connector.connect_handle(sink) class ItemTemporaryDisconnected(RevertibleEvent): def __init__(self, element, handle, connected, port): super().__init__(element) self.handle_index = element.handles().index(handle) self.connected_id = self.port_index = connected.ports().index(port) def revert(self, target): handle = target.handles()[self.handle_index] connections = target.diagram.connections connected = target.diagram.lookup(self.connected_id) sink = ConnectionSink(connected) sink.port = connected.ports()[self.port_index] connector = ConnectorAspect(target, handle, connections) connector.reconnect_handle(sink) class ItemReconnected(RevertibleEvent): def __init__(self, element, handle, connected, port): super().__init__(element) self.handle_index = element.handles().index(handle) self.connected_id = self.port_index = connected.ports().index(port) def revert(self, target): connections = target.diagram.connections handle = target.handles()[self.handle_index] cinfo = connections.get_connection(handle) connections.solver.remove_constraint(cinfo.constraint) target.handle( ItemTemporaryDisconnected(target, handle, cinfo.connected, cinfo.port) )